Hello loyal readers, boy do I have a treat for you! One mother
of an entry, dedicated to the visit of my mother
(and sister, but that messes up my wordplay) here in London!!
Oh it was such fun.
Here are some details...
Friday morning my mom and sis (from hereon affectionately
reffered to as M&M) arrived.
By some insane stroke of luck we were able to connect at Waterloo
Station, which is not too far from Conway, my residence hall. I then showed them my makeshift home before we crossed the Thames and headed to
Parliament. As a Parliamentary passholder, I was
able to escort them on a private tour through Westminster. I had not seen the inner workings of
Parliament since my tour on Day 1, so it was an incredible reminder of how cool
my work is! I showed them the
intricacies of the House of Lords, including the Queen’s Robing Room and the
Chamber itself. Since the Commons
was sitting, we couldn’t tour the chamber; instead we were able to sit in on a
live member bill debate. It was
simply spectacular to see, and I really enjoyed the chance to show them my recently-acquired knowledge of the British political system.
Outside Big Ben with my sissy... |
And inside Parliamentary grounds with my mamma! |
Since we were in the Westminster area, we chose to see
Westminster Abbey afterwards. The
Abbey was magnificent for a multitude of reasons—first off, hundreds of
influential British people have been buried there, from kings and queens to
Dickens and Darwin. Secondly, Kate
Middleton and Prince William were wed there in 2011, a ceremony that drew
more than 72 million viewers on YouTube! Wowza. The building was breathtaking, but unfortunately pics were prohibited, so here's a YouTube clip of the Royal Wedding so you can see what we saw (minus the trees!). I could have
stayed in that building for hours, but I saw my lovely visitors quickly fading,
so we retreated back to Conway so they could crash for a bit.
Coffee=life when your body clock thinks it's 3 in the morning. |
The rest of Friday was quite laid back. I remember the awful feelings of jet lag, so I could sympathize with M&M. After some resting at Conway, they retrieved their bags and got settled at their hotel in Soho. I met them there later for some free wine and cheese in the lobby (one word: ideal!) before heading out for a relaxing dinner.
Saturday morning I was not going to buy the jet-lagged excuse
anymore! I reunited with M&M early at Trafalgar Square for breakfast. I also took the chance to proudly show off the academic building where I study.
The London Center, home of my studies here in London. |
Before leaving the area, we knocked off two more must-sees from our list: The National
Gallery and the National Portrait Gallery. Um hello, culture! We were oh-so-efficient in the Trafalgar area that we had
time to kill than anticipated before our 3:30 afternoon tea appointment. Thus, we tubed to the Marble Arch and
took some great pics (see below).
The classic "I just escaped being violated by a gypsy" face. |
Underneath the Marble Arch, site of our gypsy scare. |
Posing with a Double Decker. Could I be any more British, people? |
Once the gypsies had sufficiently scared us away, we ventured
into Hyde Park. Unknown to me, the
park hosted quite a few Olympic events this summer, so it was currently in a
state of renovation. Therefore we
didn’t see quite as many flowers or
pretty scenic things as I had hoped.
Rest assured, we had a blast walking around The Serpentine (the park’s
lake) and finding our way towards Kensington Palace. We surveyed the grounds, according to my sister, Kensington “is a pretty chill palace.”
Outside the Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial in Hyde Park.
Pretty chill. |
At 3:30 we were able to sit for tea, and it ROCKED. I had reserved a table for us at the
Orangery at Kensington Palace, and what a great call (if I do say so
myself!). The White Peony tea was
light and delicious, and the finger sandwich/croissant/pastry tray was
Girlies getting all fancy. |
Afternoon tea on royal grounds? Don't mind if I do! |
The food was so filling that even hours after our return to Central London, we still weren't hungry! We ended up eating at 9 pm... wicked late for Bobber standards! My boyfriend had returned from a casual weekend trip to Slovenia, so he was able to join us. We gladly revisited the free wine and cheese bar as my family prepped for dinner. We ended up going to a goofy but yummy American restaurant in Covent Garden; what a great end to a jam-packed day.
Sunday was also an early morning! I met M&M for 10:00 am mass at the Brompton Oratory, a
170-year old church in the Kensington area. The church was stunning, but once again photographs were
prohibited :( Afterwards we grabbed brunch at an adorable French
café. Once satiated, we explored some more culture at the Victoria &
Albert Museum and the National History Museum.
Goofing off at the Victoria & Albert Museum. |
Once museum-ed out, we ventured for Harrods. There was chocolate EVERYWHERE in their confectionary, so for three women who gave
up chocolate for Lent, the experience was slightly torturous to say the least. Once again, my sis articulated it
perfectly when she proclaimed, “Ugh, the devil is EVERYWHERE here.” Preach, sister. Good news is I did not walk out totally
emptyhanded; I found a bar of salted caramel toffee to devour.
Our Bear posing with the Harrod's Bears! |
Next we crossed something off of my sissy's to-do list: visiting Platform 9 and 3/4! Now for all you non-Harry Potter fanatics out there, let me explain: Platform 9 and 3/4 is the platform used by young wizards in the Harry Potter series to take their trains to Hogwarts, the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. In the movies Harry reaches the platform by departing from Kings Cross Station, which is an actual train station here in London! We had such fun trying on the station's Harry Potter props and pretending to be super magical for a few minutes. (I know the full wizard transformation did not occur though, because if it had, Prince Harry would have appeared on one knee.)
Getting our wizard on. |
Our final stop of the day was the crazy crowded Oxford Street, one of the shopping megacenters here in London! With my mama's help, I picked up two beautiful coats, a
dress and a sweater. The coats are a superb buy because now it won't look like I'm wearing just my gray peacoat in all my study abroad pictures (I swear I'm wearing different shirts underneath!).
Attack of the Grey Coat. Love it but so happy to have new coats to supplement my outerwear:) |
Monday I was in class for the majority of the day, but I did
get to meet up with M&M during my lunch break. (Let me tell you, nothing is more casual than getting out of
class and meeting your mother and sister at Trafalgar Square to get a lemon
poppyseed muffin haha!).
Let's appreciate this picture because the sky is beautifully blue and I'M WEARING A NEW COAT. |
that night we had a more substantial meal when we took my roommate for dinner
in Covent Garden. Afterwards, we
saw the Les Miserables production at the Queen's Theatre. Whoa. Although we didn’t have quite the best seats (don’t ever trust
Leicester Square Discount Ticket Box Office! Just don’t!), we could not have enjoyed ourselves more. The vocals were simply phenomenal, and we had so much fun improvising our own versions of the songs on the way out of the theatre!
I dreamed a dream that I was given the greatest mother ever...oh wait, that's real life :) |
The fifth day of the trip, Tuesday, also marked the last:( We did try to make the most of it though, starting with an early breakfast with my boyfriend and his family. Subsequently, we walked to the "less chill" Buckingham Palace to see the changing of the guard! We could not believe how gorgeous it was outside-- nearly 50 degrees-- so we thoroughly enjoyed the outdoor ceremony. When it was over, we even took a few steps into nearby St. James' Park for a photo op! I think my fam thought I was simply nuts, pulling them aside randomly for pictures, but truth was I wanted to milk every last minute I had with them. Before I knew it, we had arrived at Westminster Station, our departing point. Within two seconds into our embraces I started crying...classic me! I just didn't want to let go. I already cannot believe how lucky I am to be living this life, and to share it with them (even just for a few days) was icing on the cake.
Two of my favorite girls in the whole wide world! |
Now be sure to stay tuned for some more family loving, when my father and other sister visit me after Spring Break:)